June 8-12 2020
Kauai Marriott Resort, Lihue, HI
Everybody knows how much fun a treasure hunt is when you find the prize. We send you on a Kauai “spiritual treasure hunt” for objects and lessons from your Master Key Experience. You’ll get to see some hidden gems on Kauai while in search of your wonderful MKE special prized treasures and prized awarenesses. Maybe even a few epiphanies.
It’s a retreat! You’re “Spiritual Treasure Hunt” concludes at an awesome beach, “You’ll have to find it”, where the staff and Guides will be waiting for you – yep lots of great food and plenty of time to fellowship, swim, snorkel and connect with all the MKE members from around the globe. We’ve decided to have the “official reception” Kauai style. And, your family is invited.
We’ve developed a teaching method over the years called compressed learning. This means you learn more, faster and retain more in less time – there is plenty of time to enjoy Kauai daily. Compressed Learning is hands on learning. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday you’ll learn in the sessions how to find the key spot in your mind, building a burning desire while remaining detached. It’s in this spot that the “person with the happy knack” is found. This is not a lecture mode. Not only is it highly interactive with several Guides presenting, we also want you to share some of your thoughts and ideas.
We are all here to serve you on your Kauai Master Key Experience. We have a full staff ready to assist you in whatever you need to get the most from this experience. We all mastermind and join in on the fun stuff too.
This is a highly interactive workshop and mastermind. You work in groups and individually to develop and fine tune your next adventure. You bring your self-directed awareness to the highest consciousness. As high as you want to go! It’s why we’ve limited the number of spots, lots of personal attention on building your perfect plan.
There will be special tours set up for you to choose from. You are able to share these great experiences with your other MKE members. You can take your spouse and family members if you wish as well. These are wonderful Kauai adventures to learn and grow from and have in your memories forever. Will you choose to sail the NaPali Coast? Kayak through the jungle to a secret waterfall? Bike down the Waimea Canyon? It’s all included, you get to choose one.
The resort has areas overlooking the ocean. The Guides and staff are there at night to share, grow, mastermind and fellowship. On Wednesday morning you sail and snorkel the NaPali or take an island tour of your choice. Wednesday evening after your tour, we have a session outside and share a Master Key Experience Dream with the Universe, that is remarkable and we mastermind by the ocean. But what about Thursday and Friday? Thursday morning is the first Guides interactive classroom session and that afternoon the Guides extend invitations - like exploring the Waimea Canyon or hitting a hidden beach on the North Shore or biking along the ocean – you’re invited, and there is no pressure. Want to join in? Great. Want to explore Kauai on your own? Great. Want to just kick back at the resort? Great. Up to you, after all, you’re self-directed, right? One group dines by the ocean with their family while the other group is off on an island adventure with guides and family. On Friday, we head to Ke'e Beach to hike the NaPali via the Kalalau Trail and snorkel at the beach. Join the hike, snorkel or just hangout, eat and mastermind. Bring the family!
Kauai is, in the opinion of many, the most beautiful place on the planet. We want you to improve and at the same time enjoy Kauai. So there’s an amazing discount from the Kauai Marriott Resort for folks who register early. Check it out on the next page.
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